Will To Win Movie Plans Announced at Will Rogers Memorial Museum.

Author Jim Stovall was joined by Will Rogers Great-granddaughter Jennifer Rogers-Etcheverry, and Screenwriter Aaron Fulkerson to discuss Will To Win, and the plans to bring it to the silver screen.  Will To Win Movie Producer Russ Kirkpatrick was Emcee for the event at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore.  The Museum has wholeheartedly endorsed the movie project. You can see the entire presentation here: https://youtu.be/bYnaegKMjZY

In the Will To Win movie, Sky Forest is devastated when softball is cut at Will Rogers High, threatening the promise she made to her Cherokee parents before they died to win a championship and secure a college scholarship. The school board president tries to sabotage her last option - pitching for the boy’s baseball team.  Through her vivid imagination Sky enlists the help of Will Rogers himself as her spirit guide, whose wisdom and humor help her to discover the Will to Win.

The movie is in development, with production plans scheduled for the spring/summer of 2023. 


New Press for Will To Win movie.


Noted Will Rogers Historian Joins Will To Win Production Team.